Service to the community

In addition of being a space for spiritual development, Aurovalley runs free health and education programmes for people from the surrounding communities who have very low economic income.
Aurovalley School (Nursery and Primary) aims to provide an integral education where inner growth and self-development are an essential part.
The children have a curricular education in English and Hindi with many extra-curricular activities to develop their physical, mental, vital and psychic capacities.
There is an opportunity to support children in Kindergarten. It is called “Adopt a Soul” programme so that one more child, 3 to 5 years old, can profit from Aurovalley´s environment and care.
The Mother’s Vocational Training Centre offers to the young women of the area:
- Daily tailoring classes. At the end of a one year course, each lady receives a sewing machine to continue her work at home.
- Daily computer training.
- Daily english class
- Daily Yoga class.
Prosperity Programme supports people from the local community, formed mainly by peasants, with distribution of blankets, clothing and essential needs.
This celebration takes place, during Aurovalley’s Anniversary each November.
New life De-addiction Programme gives a spiritual opportunity to those who want to start a new life and transform themselves, learning to live with the real freedom.